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PM Press

Fuck Neoliberalism And Then Some!

Fuck Neoliberalism And Then Some!

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In a long history of ruination and destruction, neoliberalism is the most recent and virulent form of capitalism.

From the pamphlet:

"Fuck Neoliberalism. That’s my blunt message. I could probably end my discussion at this point and it wouldn’t really matterMy position is clear and you likely already get the gist of what I want to say. I have nothing positive to add to the discussion about neoliberalism, and to be perfectly honest, I’m quite sick of having to think about it. I’ve simply had enough. For time I had considered calling this paper ‘Forget Neoliberalism’ instead, as in some ways that’exactly what I wanted to do. I’ve been writing on the subject for many years (Springer 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015; Springer et al. 2016) and I came to a point where I just didn’t want to commit any more energy to this endeavor for fear that continuing to work around this idea was functioning to perpetuate its hold. On further reection also recognize that as political maneuver it is potentially quite dangerous to simply stick our heads in the sand and collectively ignore a phenomenon that has had such devastating and debilitating effects on our shared world. There is an ongoing power to neoliberalism that is difcult to deny and I’m not convinced that a strategy of ignorance is actually the right approach (Springer 2016 b). So my exact thoughts were, ‘Well, fuck it then’, and while a quieter and gentler name for this paper could tone down the potential offence that might come with the title I’ve chosen, I subsequently reconsidered. Why should we be more worried about using profanity than we are about the actual vile discourse of neoliberalism itself? I decided that I wanted to transgress, to upset, and to offend, precisely because we ought to be offended by neoliberalism. It is entirely upsetting, and therefore we should ultimately be seeking to transgress it."

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